Martin Eden

Martin Eden Jack LondonThe vistas he saw were vistas of green foliage and forest glades, all softly luminous or shot through with flashing lights. In the distance, detail was veiled and blurred by a purple haze, but behind this purple haze, he knew, was the glamour of the unknown, the lure of romance. It was like wine to him. Here was adventure, something to do with head and hand, a world to conquer-and straightaway from the back of consciousness rushed the thought: conquering, to win to her, that lily-pale spirit sitting beside him”

Jack London, Martin Eden [1909: 52].

9 thoughts on “Martin Eden

  1. wonderful romance. the first one I read in which the action developed in an unobvious way. the end then remained incomprehensible in youth. complex and interesting work.
    I remember a son in his youth also read out.
    thanks for reminding me.😊

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    1. Thank you for the lovely comment! I The ending and the conclusion of the main romance did surprise me, but then it is also in the line with the main theme. And, I agree that the book is complex. It certainly is more complex than it appears on the first glance. I read how autobiographical the novel is – one can feel that the book is very personal to the author.

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  2. I really need to read more of Jack London’s writing. I’m ashamed to admit the only thing by him I’ve read it the short story “To Build a Fire,” even if I own several of his books. I haven’t even heard of Martin Eden, but that quote is absolutely beautiful. I just love Jack London’s lush descriptions in general.

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    1. I hope you have a chance to read more of London. Before Martin Eden I knew him mostly as an adventure writer (YA adventure writer, even) and was surprised to discover in this book so much philosophical depth and romantic sensitivity, if I can put it this way.

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